RE: [CR] Campagnolo titanium parts (now Titanox)

(Example: Framebuilders:Richard Moon)

Subject: RE: [CR] Campagnolo titanium parts (now Titanox)
Content-class: urn:content-classes:message
Date: Tue, 17 Jan 2006 00:55:50 -0800
Thread-Topic: [CR] Campagnolo titanium parts (now Titanox)
Thread-Index: AcYa85nlHTqwj/kWReutvM81pwUX9QATkU9Q
From: "Mark Bulgier" <>
To: <>

Kurt Sperry writes:
> You can differentiate Ti alloys (I know CP isn't really an
> alloy...) by appearance?

Yes, CP is darker in color than the common Ti alloys, which have a substantial fraction of aluminum and vanadium.
> Ignoring that CP Ti was available
> in several grades, isn't it the cheapest of the common Ti
> materials?

Yes CP (Commercially Pure) is typically cheaper than any alloy I know of, though there are probably exceptions.

The good alloys existed in the CR timeframe, and Albert Eisentraut's frame that predated (and more-or-less became the prototype for) the Teledyne Titan used alloy tubing. But Teledyne "cheaped out" because after all, it's just a toy, right? Well I'm only getting one side of the story here, as told by John Derven in a Bicycle Guide magazine retrospective years later. See'89_BicycleGuide). jpg and subsequent pages. ( if that URL wraps)

Mark Bulgier
Seattle WA USA