RE: [CR] Suntour Superbe Question

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Subject: RE: [CR] Suntour Superbe Question
Date: Wed, 18 Jan 2006 08:55:25 -0500
Thread-Topic: [CR] Suntour Superbe Question
Thread-Index: AcYbnb2e93+jQh/ISwuKCBGhVkwZzwAlOzbw
From: "Bingham, Wayne" <>
To: "CR Rendezvous" <>

Mick -

The Superbe group was introduced in 77, so the head set you describe is likely from the late 70's to early 80's, and the alloy lock nut is correct. You can see one pictured as original equipment on an 80/81 Raleigh Superbe here:

Don't know the ball size, but I think I may have another that's not installed, so I can look and see. You can see pix of other Superbe components from the same bike elsewhere in the album.

The derailleurs you describe are Superbe Pro, available from about 80 or 81 onward. S-Pro was introduced initially into the Superbe line in bits before becoming a full fledged Superbe Pro group. There are several rear mech versions that I am aware of, but don't know how they stack up chronologically. They started as 6 speed friction and, in the end - around 85, offered indexed 7 speed. This is good inspiration to dig through my Suntour bits and post some photos for comparison.

Not sure about the freewheel.

Wayne Bingham Out of the closet Suntour fan. Lovettsville VA

>>>Good evening everyone I am looking for Suntour Superbe information please. I have a steel headset marked Suntour Superbe Road on the adjuster and bottom head race, the lock nut is alloy and is marked Suntour Superbe is this the correct lock nut, or should it have a steel one and what size balls or races do these need?
  I have three near identical rear mechs, two are marked with "S" Suntour Suberbe Pro the main body of the derailleur is in satin silver the rest polished alloy, the third is identical in pattern but this body is in polished alloy marked with just an engraved "S". What year are these and how many speed. One of the jockey wheels on all of the three mechs is streamlined enclosed. Two of the gears have identical cable locking conical nuts one just a flat nut. Has anyone a spare conical nut please. 7 speed freewheel block marked Suntour Japan Maeda Industiies AL is this a Superbe block. Any information greatly appreciated Thanks Mick.<<<