Tom, anytime you change the rear axel the dish of the wheel can be altered and should be checked. To determine the correct dish you will need either a wheel dishing guage or a properly adjusted wheel truing jig. Adjusting the dish is a matter of tightening the nipples on one side and loosening on the other side. Depending on how much the dish needs to be altered will determine if the wheel needs to be relaced with new spokes.
Robert(trued thousands of wheels) St.Cyr Davis, Ca USA
>From: "Tom Hayes" <>
>Subject: [CR]wheel dish question
>Date: Sat, 18 Nov 2006 14:50:24 -0600
>Could someone please provide me with information about changing the rear
>wheel spacing from 120 mm to 114 mm? I intend to change a 120 mm spaced
>flip-flop hub to 114 mm. My specific concerns are whether this change will
>necessitate changing the dish on the wheel. And how do I determine whether
>I have to change the dish on the wheel?
>Thank you.
>Tom Hayes
>Chagrin Falls, Ohio USA
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