My McReynolds has the cable guides right on top. The touring frame that I had was made sometime in 1983 as I recall. When I converted the frame to S&S Couplers, I had Bilenky remove the original cable guides and add the stops for the cable splitters. I think Boone used Henry James lugs on his bikes.
Here is the link on wool jersey.
Mike Schmidt
Stirling, NJ
> Last night I stripped my Redcay so that I can take it to Jonathan Greene's
> house tomorrow for him to paint it. I was admiring the nice thinned lugs
> the brake cable guides that are offset from the center of the toptube, to
> left of center about 15 degrees. Also yesterday, I brought a McReynolds
> of the attic where it has been for a year and a half. I rode it this
> morning. It may be a coincidence, but I noticed that the McReynolds has
> offset cable guides as the Redcay. In fact, the lugs, fork crown, and
> other things looked very similar too. Question, does anyone have another
> bike other than Redcay and McReynolds that has the offset cable guides on
> toptube? I'm not talking about under toptube routing either. Lou
> Orlando FL