Hey Jamie,
Sprocket Man exists online somewhere. I have or at least had the complete book printed out at one time. Pretty neat...
Doug Van Cleve Chandler, AZ
On 6/5/06, James Swan <jswan@optonline.net> wrote:
> Hi Gang,
> I found a comic book in an antique shop yesterday titled "Spocket
> Man" that I have never seen or heard of before. It was published in
> 1978 by the CPSC and the Connecticut Dept. of Public Safely (or
> something like that: I don't have in in front of me). Sprocket Man is
> a super hero who advocates bike safety. The illustrations are pretty
> cool... I thought I'd donate it to the Cirque auction. Anybody ever
> seen this before?
> Regards,
> Jamie Swan
> Cell - 516-238-6782
> Centerport Cycles Inc.
> 245 Main St.
> Northport, N.Y. 11768
> 631-262-0909
> http://www.centerportcycles.com (mapped)
> http://www.cabinfeverauctions.com
> http://www.cabinfeverexpo.com
> http://www.limws.org
> http://www.liatca.org