No, Mike, I never, but NEVER, worked at Brooks - I regard myself as a craftsman (others may disagree, of course), and have worked on my own account, for more than twenty years now, repairing and restoring all sorts of leather saddles. Since about 1990 I've been Brooks' authorised spares and repairs specialist. and have a stock of spares for virtually all current and recently obsolete models, but that's another matter altogether. I've been approached by Cyclart, who are looking for someone to continue their saddle restoration business, but have decided that I'd rather not get involved with them. I'm reasonably sure, Chuck, that I could re-cover your Persons saddle - perhaps you'll send me one or two photo's, so that I can be sure that I know what we're talking about? Tony Colegrave, Wellhouse, Northiam, RYE, E.Sussex. TN31 6HY. U.K.
>From: Michael Schmidt <>
>To: Chuck Taylor <>,<>
>Subject: Re: [CR]seeking saddle restoration
>Date: Tue, 10 Apr 2007 06:11:09 -0400
>Contact Tony Colgrave at
>Mailing Address is:
>Northiam, RYE, East Sussex, TN31 6HY, U.K.
>Tony for many years worked at Brooks Saddle.
>Mike Schmidt
>Stirling, NJ