Re: [CR]Mysteries of framebuilding

(Example: Events:Cirque du Cyclisme:2007)

Date: Fri, 1 Jun 2007 13:18:55 -0700 (PDT)
From: Jerome & Elizabeth Moos <>
Subject: Re: [CR]Mysteries of framebuilding
In-Reply-To: <>
cc: Classic Rendezvous <>

The preference for original finish versus even the best restoration is pretty much universal to all collectibles. Even an occasional viewing of Antiques Roadshow will teach one that.

But when the original finish is totally trashed, or when the bike has already been repainted, lots of folks here have had bikes restored, and hold the restorers, very often themselves CR members, in high esteem. I've had wonderful full or partial restorations done by list members Mary Pfeiffer, Joe Bell and Mike Barry. These people, and several others on the list, are, as you say, real artists.


Jerry Moos wrote:
    Dear Bob: Artistic ability doesn't necessarily diminish business acumen-one need look no further than Picasso. It is most that probable that underlying personality traits and lifestyle choices drive different artisans in different directions. What I don't understand, and again probably is the topic of yet another discussion, is the lack of appreciation for fine bicycle restoration. Such restorations are artistic, very difficult, and often done by the same artisan/builders referred to in this thread, yet, for all I can see, are not appreciated by collectors and, in fact, are looked down on. I've paid top dollar for fine custom bikes and fine restorations and am happy to have done so. Cordially, George George Hollenberg MD

----- Original Message -----
Date: Fri, 01 Jun 2007 11:20:00 -0000
Subject: Re: [CR]Mysteries of framebuilding

> I believe you may have drawn conclusions from my post that were
> not actually
> stated... when proposing examples to support "if "A' then 'B'"
> I in no way
> meant to suggest that "if 'B' then 'A'" was also true... it most
> emphatically
> is not.
> The fact that some artists and craftsmen choose alternate
> livlihoods to allow
> them to continue to produce work that for various reasons may
> not be
> adequately supported by the marketplace should in no way be
> interpreted to imply that
> the work of other artists and craftsmen cannot provide a healthy
> and
> satisfying living wage for those who chose to devote their lives
> to that work
> exclusively, or that the quality or validity of the work from
> those who make a good
> living from what they do is any less than from those who "starve
> for their art."
> However, what might be an interesting spin-off topic for
> discussion (as it
> relates to framebuilding, in an effort to try to stay on-topic ;-
> ), is whether
> or not the very qualities of creativity, serendipity,
> experimentation,
> curiosity, escapism and independence that often make a person an
> exceptional artist
> are at times the very same qualities that may prevent him from
> being a good
> businessman.
> Bob Hovey
> Columbus, GA USA
> In a message dated 6/1/07 5:15:11 AM, writes:
> > Some very convincing points are brought forth by Bob, Brain, &
> others.>
> > However most of these points support the premise that
> financial reward /
> > profit motive must be absent or at most a very minor
> consideration to yield
> > highest quality creative skills.
> >
> > I don't think financial reward/profit motive need be absent
> for creativity
> > to flourish. It is my premise that these factors being present
> can actually
> > help stimulate and even expand one's creativity.
> >
> > The under-appreciated, misunderstood artisan plying his trade
> in poverty
> > and/or obscurity is just one scenario of many possibilities
> that exist.
> > Just as there are multiple and varied motivations within all
> of us.
> >
> > Nick Zatezalo
> > Atlanta,Ga.US
> >
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George Hollenberg MD