Re: [CR]Re: mr_dura-ace on eBay

(Example: Framebuilders:Tubing:Columbus)

From: <>
Date: Wed, 13 Jun 2007 10:51:15 EDT
Subject: Re: [CR]Re: mr_dura-ace on eBay

It's privately been brought to my attention that some others have apparently had poor dealings with the seller in question. Until today, I have never had any dealings with or even heard of either the seller or the buyer. I've asked the buyer in my previous post to reveal the ebay item number so that we may all see that there was indeed a transaction, since the seller says there was none. This alone then, would give credibility to the complaint. I have yet to receive the ebay item number, which still leaves me feeling that the whole story is not being told, but I want to make clear that I did not intend to call the buyer a "troll". I wrote specifically that I "suspect" a troll at work ... I intended to say that completeness of information should be revealed, or else suspicion will remain, as I've said above. Of course, I'm nobody ... just another guy on the list ... but if the gripe was made public, then the public may ask for clarification.

Now, if all this is regarding an off-topic item and the seller doesn't offer on-topic items, then none of this belongs on the CR list, should not have been posted here, and I apologize for keeping it here.

Mark Agree
Southfield MI USA
~ ~ ~

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, June 13, 2007 5:59 AM
Subject: [CR]Re: mr_dura-ace on eBay

> Mr. Chanberaskaran,
> On this list, was are not just interested in (old) bikes, but also
> interested in those that collect and sell them, and this includes good and
> bad
> reviews. Like it or lump it ... that is part of what we do. It seems odd
> to me
> now, having read Mr. Early's response, that you have yet so supply us with
> an
> Ebay item number ... what is it please? If the item is out of timeline,
> then
> please forward the number to me directly, and I will supply it to other
> who
> express interest, off list. Was there really a transaction? Thanks for
> the
> clarification please, before we "put this to bed", as you seem so quick to
> do now
> that Mr. Early has joined the list. I now suspect a troll at work...
> Ciao,
> Mark Agree
> (who never heard of a nearby Mr. Early till this thread)
> Southfield MI USA
> ~ ~ ~
> Date: Tue, 12 Jun 2007 20:16:28 -0400
> From: "Narasimham Chanberasekaran" <>
> To: "Don Early" <>
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: [CR]response to post 248
> As this seems to have caused such a stir let's put it to bed once and for
> all. I did not leave feedback, blast Mr. Early or go crying to paypal at
> the
> time because it just seemed so petty. A simple "I goofed and am sorry"
> would have sufficed The cranks worked fine just a little rougher than
> was
> expected, clearly not what was advertised. What rankled me was the rude
> superior tone evident in even his initial CR posting. The prove it or to
> hell with you attitude. His basic persona is revealed in his suggestion
> that I should have complained or flamed him with bad feedback---i guess
> that
> is how he behaves which alone proves my point.
> \Further to this, I am the recipient of many other emails from persons
> with
> whom Early has dealt who have also noted his rude
> bullyiing tactics----something about a pair of brifters for which he
> threatened negative feedback unless1/2 the money was returned. I want
> nothing from Early and no longer wish this discussion to go on. I have
> asked
> him on more than one occasion to cease his direct campaign of threatening,
> condescending email messages and hope that he does so. This thread has
> taken a bizzare life of its own that is not the purpose of the list. I
> have
> no idea if Early sent the racist message or not--I have no means of
> knowing. Frankly why would Early admit that he was a closet
> racist-facsist?
> Let it be.........
> On 6/12/07, Don Early <> wrote:
>> I've joined this sites mailing list only today only after I was informed
>> about my name and reputation being smeared on this site.
>> I'm referring to the post #248 made by Narasimham Chanberasekaran,
>> concerning an NOS crankset he supposedly purchased from me on eBay and
>> claims
>> it was damaged goods.
>> I can only say to him the he should quit posting malicious comments
>> about me which are nothing but lies!!
>> To the best of my knowledge, I've never sold him a thing. You have to
>> ask yourself a simple question. If I had sold him a damaged item why
>> didn't he file a complaint with Paypal for an item received not as
>> described, or at the very least, why didn't he flame me with a negative
>> feedback.
>> Please give me the eBay transaction number if my memory is incorrect.
>> A racist message supposedly sent to him by me is totally against my
>> grain and something that I find sickening and is not something I would
>> ever think about sending anyone.
>> It should be quite obvious to anyone that has dealt with me or wishes to
>> review my eBay feedback, that I'm out to help fellow cyclist not degrade
>> anyone.
>> The post was obviously made by a poser using my identity.
>> Donald R. Early, Jr. (mr_dura-ace on eBay)
>> Clinton Township, Michigan
>> USA

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