Re: [CR]Mike Kone's Rene Herse Announcement

(Example: Component Manufacturers)

Date: Tue, 19 Jun 2007 04:29:41 -0400
Subject: Re: [CR]Mike Kone's Rene Herse Announcement
From: "Michael Schmidt" <>
To: <>, <>
Thread-Topic: [CR]Mike Kone's Rene Herse Announcement
Thread-Index: AceyS/syOe+4ux4/EdyuCgAWy8lbaw==
In-Reply-To: <>

Norris, we're chipping in for French lessons for Mark. Mike reportedly has already acquired a taste for escargot. Rude lessons? Covered! Hey, we've got the best. My man in Petaluma, Bruce Gordon has volunteered his tutorial services.

BTW, the French will not take on the Richard Sachs frame. Amir in Israel has that covered.

I think it is cool that someone is taking a shot at this. Not sure what Kone has in line for a marketing program but I hope Lyli Herse shows up next year at Cirque wearing a Bruce Gordon button.

Mike Schmidt Stirling, NJ USA

Norris wrote: Why does it take a couple of Americans to keep the name alive? Would it be the same if, after their respective retirements at some future date, the
   name of Brian Bayliss were to be stuck on to frames built by a crafts man in the suburbs of Paris? Would English-made and transferred Richa rd Sachs frames be like the real thing that so many discerning America n cyclists now wait years to own? I really think not.