Re: [CR]Track BB length question, NR and Sugino Might Competition

(Example: Framebuilders)

From: <>
To: dan kasha <>, CR <>
Subject: Re: [CR]Track BB length question, NR and Sugino Might Competition
Date: Mon, 25 Jun 2007 19:06:15 +0000

My guess is that it probably wants a bb spindle of typical Campy taper that is just like the Campy pista spindle which at the end of production would have been a 109mm symetric. Good news is that there are many Campy loose ball bb's for modern cranks that were either 109mm or 111mm symetric. So any campy bb for a typical double from the early 1990's for instance will work. There are tons of these bb's out there - the best of which is probably the Campy Chorus loose ball. Really the same quality as Campy NR but with tick wall cups. I don't think the 111 vs 109 will matter much.

Just be certain to get the 68 vs 70 correct and that you don't mix cups/spindles for thin vs. thick cups together. It is easy to score thick cups and then get a spindle for thin ones or vice versa and then be left with something that doesn't work.

Mike Kone
Boulder, CO

-------------- Original message --------------
From: dan kasha

> I recently have gotten back into riding my track bike around and want to change

\r?\n> the crank on it. It is a low-end Orbit (reynolds 500/531 fork) from about

\r?\n> 1991, with a low end Stronglight crank and BB.


\r?\n> I have a nice Sugino Mighty Competition track crank (on-topic I think) that I

\r?\n> want to put on it, but need to find a suitable BB. I don't know what length I

\r?\n> would need for the spindle. I suspect it is similar to what a NR pista would

\r?\n> have used (the cranks look similar), but I am not certain. I did a search of

\r?\n> the archives with no clear results.


\r?\n> Would a NR bb work?

\r?\n> What lenght spindle (for a BSC 68 mm bb) would an NR have used?

\r?\n> If I buy a more mondern BB, does it have to be track specific, and what length

\r?\n> BB should I be looking for? I really want to use a classic cup/cone BB, the

\r?\n> cartridges just don't look right to me.


\r?\n> Any hints are welcome.

\r?\n> Thanks,

\r?\n> Dan Kasha

\r?\n> Seattle, Wa

\r?\n> PS Mercer Island loop is really fun on a track bike.



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