Subject: [CR]Significantly faster on a newer bike?...only in someperspectives

(Example: Framebuilding:Tubing:Falck)

From: <"">
Date: Fri, 3 Aug 2007 12:12:20 -0400
Subject: Subject: [CR]Significantly faster on a newer bike?...only in someperspectives

Would I ride faster on a contemporary racing bike than one of my classics?


And it has absolutely nothing to do with weight or componentry. I would ride faster on my classics because I enjoy showing the lads in spandex and

astride carbon fibre, even the 20-something ones, that a 49-year-old riding his "dream" bike from when he was their age can still keep up. Or

indeed show them a clean pair of heels. Wearing a wool jersey and shorts , cotton cycling cap, Ray-Bans, leather Detto Pietros, little white socks an d crochet gloves. It's the sheer fun of taking a classic racing bike and riding it. Hard. Fast. And often. And in authentic period kit that clicks with me. And in fast company.

Give me a modern bike, of any make or model, and I'll give up cycling. I

don't like 'em, never will. A bike that’s never ridden will never go a s fast as one that is.

Peter Kohler Washington DC USA

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