I haven't hit the archives yet, but a discussion about Sorel components came up a while ago. I know Georges Sorel offered an extensive line of toe clips and straps, in a wide variety of materials and colors, including gold plating (for the clips, of course). I have two sets of black anodized toe clips and their original boxes. The box end-panel lists the various versions of the clips, and a picture on the box face shows the various straps, including some striped in French and Belgian colors. Interesting that there are no Italian colors shown, since the components are definitely Italian made. I mounted a pair of the black Sorel toe clips on the De Rosa I brought to the Cirque this year. They mated well with the black anodized, De Rosa pantographed, Super Record group mounted to the freshly refinished pearl orange frame.
I haven't posted any pix of the De Rose yet, but I have another pair of the Sorel clips mounted on one of my Charles Martin frames. Those can be seen here:
I'll try and post some more pix of both the clips and the box.
Wayne Bingham
Lovettsville VA USA