RE: [CR]Re: Classicrendezvous Digest, Vol 56, Issue 79 Brooks Proofidemix?

(Example: Framebuilders:Richard Moon)

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From: "Tony Colegrave" <>
Subject: RE: [CR]Re: Classicrendezvous Digest, Vol 56, Issue 79 Brooks Proofidemix?
Date: Thu, 23 Aug 2007 12:30:58 +0000

     Current legislation apparently requires that the constituents of all such products should be itemised on the container, in descending order of proportion, although (except in the case of foodstuffs, perhaps?) the precise percentages are not required.
     It's always been apparent that tallow was the main constituent of 'Proofide', and I'd guess that all the other stuff is little more than 'trace elements'. IMO, any sort of oil, in anything other than minute quantities, is very bad for suspension-type leather saddles - and 'Proofide', if used correctly (a contentious matter in itself, of course), will deliver no more than those minute quantities. Too much wax will seriously impair the 'breatheable' virtues of the leather, although a small amount may help improve the appearance and aid 'shower-proofing' - if you want a saddle that's waterproof and/or soft, you shouldn't be wasting your money on a good leather saddle.
     The good folks at Brooks assure me that (despite the obvious changes in colour) the make-up of 'Proofide' 'remains the same as ever' - since at least the late thirties, that is. Whether you choose to beleive this, along with other aspects of the Company's 'history' being peddled these days, is up to you.
     If you've got (empty) vintage 'Proofide' tins, perhaps you might consider sending one to Bill Laine, at Walligford ('wallbike'), to add to his small collection of 'Brooksiana' ?
     Tony Colegrave. Northiam, E.Sussex, U.K.
>Subject: [CR]Re: Classicrendezvous Digest, Vol 56, Issue 79 Brooks
>Date: Wed, 22 Aug 2007 23:10:06 EDT
>As many members have, I have several Brooks saddles, I have always used
>possible Brooks Proofide, I had a good supply of the orig Proofide in the
>Red cans, but ran out (still have the cans!) got some of the new stuff from
>Nashbar, completely different in Colour texture SMELL! etc, PLUS the new
>now have on the lid the Ingredients. I was surprised, Tallow, Cod Oil,
>Vegetable oil, Paraffin wax,Bees wax, Citronella oil. Does any member know
>if this
>the same mix as the orig ? I did NOT think that oils are good for bike
>Paraffin is GOOD I do know that, in fact wax is good, any one have any
>comments on this? Have Brooks after ALL these years found something new
>should work better? or is this the same as the orig? I tried a Google
>could not
>find any info. Cheers John Crump OldwannabuyanoldcanBrit, Parker, Co USA
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