Re: Fwd: Re: [CR]The Paramount Cycle Co,Brixton,London-----old auction text and photos

(Example: Racing:Jean Robic)

Date: Thu, 23 Aug 2007 17:04:45 +0100
From: "Hilary Stone" <>
Subject: Re: Fwd: Re: [CR]The Paramount Cycle Co,Brixton,London-----old auction text and photos
References: <>
In-Reply-To: <>
cc: classic rendezvous <>

I would not question the date at all. Granby registered this design in 1922 I think - certainly its in their 1922 catalogue with a design registration number and could possibly be a little earlier. Granby sold fittings and and tubes to other lightweight cycle makers. I have a Killingback tricycle that came from Charlie Bowtle who used it to take several track records with. It was originally built by Killingback as a bicycle and then Charlie had it converted to take an Abingdon axle. It has the same double down tube and a double plate fork crown. I do not know whether Killingback had a trade name such as Paramount but he certainly came from the Clapham/Brixton area of South London. But what is also interesting is that Granby were almost certainly the first to copy Bastide's frame design for lightweight bikes 26in rather 28in wheels, straight brazed up seatstays and chainstays, 10.5in high bottom bracket and ... this where it gets really fascinating Bastide showed a frame with double D section down tube in in their 1912 catalogue just like Granby registered the design for in 1922. I do wonder whether there were any direct links somehow between Granby and Bastide. Granby were certainly making the Bastide lightweight frame design by 1915 - an advert for it has been found in a period club magazine and in later adverts in the press claimed that they had been making this design since 1913 which is quite plausible. This Bastide lightweight frame design was the basis of all the road bikes we ride today and also changed roadster and utility bike design in many countries too. But where is the link between Bastide and Granby? Or did Granby simply copy Bastide? Granby later went on in 1925 to patent taper main tubes in frames - and this was much more successful than the double down tube design. R O Harrison resurrected the double down tube design in the late 1940s with their Shortwin model which was made in tiny quantities. On the Classic Lightweights website there is a beautiful example of a Shortwin that belongs to the webmaster. And also pictures of the only known surviving Granby with the double down tube which I built the wheels for just over 15 years ago.

Hilary Stone, Bristol, England

Art Link wrote:
> Thanks,Peter. This is the bike shown with a mix of parts on the #1480-81. The 1925 date is plausible, as the Wastyn shop was using the same keyhole lugs,fork crown, and headtube lugs on the pre-Schwinn track bikes.Where both builders buying their lugs from the same supplier.What other early 1930's British and Aussie builders were using the same lugs.? Art Link,San Antonio,TX
> Peter Jourdain <> wrote: Date: Wed, 22 Aug 2007 16:48:00 -0700 (PDT)
> From: Peter Jourdain <>
> Subject: Re: [CR]The Paramount Cycle Co,Brixton,London-----old auction text and photos
> To:,
> Hello again, Art and CR folk---
> I was able to find the photos and text from the '25
> Brixton Paramount ebay auction. Here is a link to the
> auction photos, and, below, the relevant text. Sold
> for 56 quid! in Jan '05. One could write to the
> original seller via ebay for more info, since he says
> he got the item from the son of the maker; he may know
> some more details.
> 1925 Brixton Paramount racing cycle Item number:
> 7124870534
> Seller information
> jules.b ( 44)
> Winning bid: GBP 56.00
> (Approximately US $107.55)
> Ended: Jan-07-05 12:46:14 PST
> Start time: Dec-31-04 12:46:14 PST
> History: 2 bids (GBP 45.00 starting bid)
> Winning bidder: crazynzer ( 4 )
> Item location: Wallingford
> United Kingdom
> Turning eighty this year is a 1925 brixton paramount
> racer. Frame approx 20". Has unusual twin downtube
> design.
> Single fixed gear. Steel rims, british hub co hubs
> (flip flop rear).
> BSA headclip (old style integrated headset!)
> GB maes bars, GB courer front brake (no brake on rear
> as it has a fixed wheel)
> Some more recent parts are a vintage cinelli saddle
> and campagnolo micro adjust seat-pin. No pedals are
> fitted.
> Paintwork and chrome are tatty, could do with some
> revovation to make a most unusual machine. The machine
> is nonetheless in sound condition.
> I purchased the bike from the original owner - the son
> of the maker, He gave me a supply of the original
> paramount cycles crest transfers, which I will supply
> for you to use as a finishing touch after
> re-enameling. The original colour was probably black.
> Questions from other buyers
> Q: Hi, I have a few questions about the bike, the
> first one being "why aren't you prepared to post it?"!
> I live in Dundee and I've posted a few frames...more
> answered on: Jan-06-05
> A: Hi Bruce, I could probably be pursuaded to post
> the bike. The hubs are runnig well, and in fair
> cosmetic order. The rims are getting rusty, as are
> the...more
> Q: Hi, where abouts is Wallingford ?? many thanks
> Steve answered on: Jan-03-05
> A: near oxford
> Q: Hi What does the seat tube measure from the centre
> of the chainwheel to the top of the tube?What length
> is the crossbar centre to centre and what size...more
> answered on: Jan-03-05
> A: I have re-measured the seat tube. It is 21"
> centre to top, just under 20.5" c-c. The cross bar is
> 22.5" c-c
> ------------------------
> Peter Jourdain
> Whitewater, Wisconsin US of A
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