Re: [CR] Being played by Craigslist "seller "of Masi

(Example: Racing:Roger de Vlaeminck)

From: "ternst" <>
To: "K.R. Bennett" <>, <>
References: <>
Subject: Re: [CR] Being played by Craigslist "seller "of Masi
Date: Fri, 24 Aug 2007 20:23:17 -0700

Boys and Girls: Maybe when we see a troller we should say fish or cut bait. Your not being played, you're playing with yourselves. What's wrong with saying, Want to sell? How much? Want an estimate / appraisal? I'll give you one for $100-or? Cuanta costa copulare? We're dealing with the most sophisticate, collectable, desired bikes in the world. We have them, bid on them, and buy them when offered accordingly. So please act like it and get with the program. Every education costs, no free lunch. This is not the Antique Road show.
Not the USIA either.
Ted Ernst
Palos Verdes Estates

----- Original Message -----
From: "K.R. Bennett"
Sent: Friday, August 24, 2007 6:08 PM
Subject: [CR] Being played by Craigslist "seller "of Masi

> Gentlemen,
> I think this is a bit silly. Why should we feel used?
> Sure, the guy probably knew the bike was worth something and expected his
> craigslist post to result in offers. But he might not have even known
> about the CR-list, as hard as that might be for some of us to wrap our
> heads around.
> Am I too gullible? Is it impossible that someone noticed a nice older
> bike hanging in the guy's garage and said, "Hey, that thing's probably
> worth some money on craigslist. They go crazy for them old Eyetalian
> bikes these days." So he checked for interest on Craigslist. The problem
> is only in the response. Now he might think it's an heirloom that he
> should never sell, or he's so spooked about its high value that he wants
> to make very sure he doesn't get taken.
> What I don't understand is actually recommending that the guy not sell it.
> It's too small for me and will undoubtedly be too expensive for me, but if
> I had been a serious contender to purchase it, I'd be extremely annoyed.
> The guy said it had been hanging in his garage for 20 years and that he
> didn't expect to ride it. What's the problem with passing it on to
> someone who will appreciate it? I think he should do that, and get what
> it's worth.
> For the record, I've now seen pictures of the bike that I will happily
> forward anyone who'd like to see them when I get home (web-based email
> server not fully cooperating now). It is all that the most rabid of Masi
> freaks might have hoped. Really. I'm glad it's not my size.
> But am I a better list-member for not outing it to the list? For not
> discussing it on and off-list and advising the seller of its considerable
> market value? Shoot, I was hoping he was describing the center-to-center
> size and if that was the case, I wanted to buy the darn thing without
> competing with the rest of you. Not sure that I'm on the moral high
> ground there.
> Seller seems like a nice guy. No "fast-ones" pulled on either side here,
> I think. Just someone who got reminded that their old bike really was
> something special.
> Kerrigan Bennett
> Pleasant Hill, CA USA
> Archive-URL:
> Date: Fri, 24 Aug 2007 19:58:06 -0400
> From: oroboyz(AT)
> Subject: [CR]Being played by Craigslist "seller "of Masi
> Lou wrote:
> << effect it was a demonstration of just why the list rule of having a
> set price is so important. In this case, it wasn't the owner who
> violated a rule, so you can't chastise him. But, in the end, it was the
> list members who got to watch the "troll" as the bait continued to be
> tossed at us, discussed on and off list, then to watch the owner quietly
> reel in his lure, ref the motor, and?< BR>speed away. >>
> One can't helped but feel a bit used & abused after all that is over....
> Dale Brown
> Greensboro, North Carolina USA
> -----Original Message-----
> From: LouDeeter(AT)
> To: classicrendezvous(AT)
> Sent: Fri, 24 Aug 2007 5:28 pm
> Subject: Re: [CR]'71 Masi 60cm on SF Craigslist
> This was an interesting thread, just to watch what happens when someone
> outs
> a classic bike that is advertised without a set price for it. The owner
> got
> what he wanted--a valuation. While it is nice to see how this played
> out, in
> effect it was a demonstration of just why the list rule of having a set
> price
> is so important. In this case, it wasn't the owner who violated a rule,
> so
> you can't chastise him. But, in the end, it was the list members who got
> to
> watch the "troll" as the bait continued to be tos sed at us, discussed on
> and
> off list, then to watch the owner quietly reel in his lure, ref the motor,
> and
> speed away. Lou Deeter, Orlando FL
> **************************************
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