Thomas Dockery wrote:
> Hi, I am new to this list so I apologize in advance if I asking stupid ques
> tions.
> I am just finishing the restoration of my 61 Bianchi Competitizone and I am
> moving on to something newer. The next project is a 80-81 Viner Stella Pr
> ofessional. I know its not a tier one classic, may not even fail into tier
> two but I raced it for a number of years and I feel its worth recovering.
> Problem is I haven't been able to find artwork or better yet decals for th
> is frame. I have some pcitures but most are not high enough quality to mak
> e artwork from.
> A local lightweight guy here in nor Cal said I should contact Greg Softley
> but the email I have bounces back (). Does anyone h
> ave a better email contact for Greg? And does anyone know of other places
> to hunt.
> Thanks,
> Tom Dockery
Tom x 2,
Greg's e-mail addy is gtsoftley@oz*e* You can also contact
him through his e-bay store, <>Cyclomondo
Phil Sieg
Knoxville, Tennessee