I fully agree with Bob here. I´m also amazed at how many eBayers are post ing photos that are mere rubbish. Sometimes you can´t even see properly w hat it is that they are trying to sell! I don´t understand why they go to all the trouble of posting an object on eBay and then diminish the potenti al value of it thanks to crappy photos.I think we should applaud guys like this seller with "artistic" photographs, like Ray Dobbins and others who ac tually bothers to get good pictures of their bikes and components. Even if we don´t plan to buy them, we get to see them, something which I at least appreciate very much.Michele Francesconi Värmdö Sweden
> From: Stronglight49@aol.com> Date: Fri, 26 Oct 2007 15:48:00 -0400> Subje
ct: Re: [CR] Artistic but distracting ebay auction > To: classicrendezvous@
bikelist.org> > I too prefer more basic studio type bike portraits, and I t
hink Ray's photos > are indeed admirable. However, although I agree in prin
ciple about the > distractions of ANY background clutter in bike photos, I'
ll still applaud this > seller who consistently takes great effort to clear
ly show his auction items > in considerable detail. > > Not so the bulk of
ebay sellers who really should have someone else take > their photos... at
least, if the really do intend for us to see the actual > condition of thei
r components or bikes. It is not easy for an amateur to master > photograph
ic technique, and there are also often the constrictions of their > availab
le camera equipment. But, I do think some sellers seem to use a guise > of
ineptitude to mask serious flaws in the items they are selling.> > This is
certainly not the case with the seller referred to - who, by the > way, I h
ave observed gradually progressing in his photo abilities over the > years.
-- Kudos to any of those who even try to bring us very close up to their >
bikes and give a good sense of what we may be bidding on!> > Think I'd bet
ter go out right now and work on my own photographic skills. > > > BOB HANS
ON, ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO, USA> > > > Garth Libre wrote:> > "This auction
was referred to as being particularly artistic:> > http://ebay.com/
match, then you might also > say that the seller just got lucky with the f
all leaves because it's > the time of year when that's what's in the backya
rd. ..."> > > > > > > > ************************************** See what's n
ew at http://www.aol.com> > > --- StripMime Report -- processed MIME parts
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