Phil Seig wrote
I've just obtained a Bluemel's Tour de France celluloid frame pump.
The compression spring - the one inside the handle - is rusty and causes
the pump to stick when compressed. Is there a good way to remove the
spring without destroying the plastic handle? Clean it in place? I'm pret
ty sure naval jelly would eat the plastic handle. Phil ,are you certain it
is the spring and not the handle section sticking
when compressed which has always been a failing with celluliod pumps.
The springs do tend to get weak and the two parts of the pump also get
out of line thus the two faults when pushed together can cause it to be
jammed.I am uncertain whether the spring can be released from inside
the handle but equally I would'nt attempt to try this method. I can only
suggest turning the pump in an upright position and soak this section in
lubricating oil and leave to soak for period of time . Good luck
Doug Smith
North Dorset