Charles: I have had similar, but less dramatic incidences of the same scenario. Basically the best thing to do right away is file a dispute. You have only 20 days to do this and the potentially fraudulent sell knows this too. No matter if the seller says the package has been shipped or not, FILE!! You can later close the dispute with no penalty to you of the seller, but if things still don't happen then the dispute can be escalated to a claim. Its the CLAIM that will get your funds back. Bruce
Rodney Kugizaki <> wrote: Charles, I had a similar experience, have you contacted e-bay and paypal? They were very helpful and eventually, I got my payment back. Paypal has a process to use for issues.
What sort of rating did the seller have? My mistake was buying from someone that essentially had no (significant) history.
Rodney Kugizaki Oro Valley, AZ
>I recently bought a nice colnago super on ebay, and I paid with cash
>from my paypal account. No credit card payment on this one.
>Now, it seems very likely that the seller was a scammer, and the sale
>was a fraud. Since I won the auction, I have heard nothing at all from
>the seller, after payment, and after repeated e-mails asking for
>confirmation of payment
>This is just the second time this has happened to me. The first time
>involved a european seller. I had paid by credit card, though, so my
>credit card company got the money back for me.
>This time, I may be s-o-l. I'm posting for the collective wisdom of the
>list. What would be the best way for me to get my money back? I'm
>going to start with PayPal, but I'm not very confident they'll be much
>help. What are my other options?
>The seller invoice did include a street address, and I'll be sending
>snail mail there today. But, you see, I have no idea if the seller
>listed on the invoice is in fact the person who got the money, although
>everything looked on the up-and-up, both on ebay, and on paypal.
>any tips on what I might do next would be appreciated. Makes me feel,
>increasingly, that I'm not going to buy higher-priced items from anyone
>I don't know in some way, either personally or by reputation..
>Please mail any useful tips privately.
>Charles Andrews
>Los Angeles
Bruce Thomson Spokane WA 99204 (509) 747 4314
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