I finally installed the Record seatpost, and put my Sears ratcheting offset wrench to the test. I think I'm going to give the wrench a D for a grade. It didn't work as I hoped it would. It works fine on the rear bolt but when I tried to use it on the front the click was bigger than the distance I had to move the bolt when I tried to access from the front directly. I guess it might work if I were installing a Brooks saddle where I could lift a side flap and access either bolt from the side, but for Selle Turbo saddle, if you try try to pry up a side flap, you'll ruin the saddle.
The way I solved the issue is to loosen the rear bolt several turns, then I could tighten or loosen the front bolt with my fingers, and then I tightened the rear using the ratcheting wrench. It took several tries before I got the saddle tilt dialed in. It's annoying but workable. It's better than having to put up with a Nouvo Record's tendency to flip, or a single bolt post where your perfect tilt lies between two clicks. In any event, my Tommassini pantographed and fluted Record post weighs 10.5 ounces or a full ounce less than an unfluted one, and only a little more than a NR.
Garth Libre in Miami Fl. USA