Re: [CR]When is a restoration not a restoration?

(Example: Component Manufacturers:Campagnolo)

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From: "Chuck Schmidt" <>
Subject: Re: [CR]When is a restoration not a restoration?
Date: Sat, 2 Jun 2007 20:52:21 -0700
To: Classic Rendezvous <>

On Jun 2, 2007, at 8:26 PM, Donald Gillies wrote:
> In my opinion, if Brian Baylis repaints a MASI, it's not a
> restoration. If Waterford repaints a paramount, it's not a
> restoration. If Dale Brown repaints a Dale Brown, it's not a
> restoration. If Jack Taylor repaints a Jack Taylor it's not a
> restoration.
> If Da Vinci paints over an earlier layer of paint and finally
> pronounces himself "finished" on the Mona Lisa, it's not a
> restoration, it's just his final take on his original piece of art.
> - Don Gillies
> San Diego, CA

Yeah, it's not called a restoration Don. It's called a REPAINT ! <grin>


Chuck Schmidt
South Pasadena, CA USA