[CR]Re: [C-R]Vintage Steel shops in Detroit ?

(Example: Events)

Date: Wed, 06 Jun 2007 18:48:34 -0400
From: "Rich Pinder" <rpinder@usc.edu>
In-reply-to: <d24.fed3f91.33988146@aol.com>
To: classicrendezvous@bikelist.org
Subject: [CR]Re: [C-R]Vintage Steel shops in Detroit ?

Thanks to all who've replied. Eric, Bike Tech will have to wait for another trip.

I had a great visit up at Continental bikes today - and picked up a few parts I was needing for my Medici. John was nice - but perhaps I wasnt nice enuf..didnt make the back room !! (He did pull out three nice parts from his backroom stash !)

Spoke with a local rider who just went thru his first winter season of commuting on bike. Some hairy storys - said he rode across a frozen lake one day, just to say he did !

Thanks again rich pinder van nuys, CA

FujiFish1@aol.com wrote:
> Sorry I'm late to hit the reply button Rich, but just in case...
> From what I understand ... there is essentially no vintage or KOF
> steel activity in Windsor.
> Yes, Continental Bike in Hazel Park has about three vintage minded
> people, but there is next to nothing vintage about the offerings found
> on the floor. The same can be said for a couple of other shops I'll
> mention in a moment.
> If you go to Continental (the continuation of Mike Walden's
> Continental Schwinn), owners John H. and Randy both like old bikes
> (John a bit more), and ace employee David has a beautiful Montelatici
> that he rode in L'Eroica last year! There are a few nice things to
> see in the way back room, but it's not public. Perhaps if you are
> nice though...
> At Kinetic Systems in Clarkston (a good jump out of Detroit), owner
> Jeff N. and ace employee Doug are somewhat into old bikes. Pino
> Morroni used to hang out there until his passing, and Jeff was close
> with him. There are a few nice things upstairs, but it is not
> public. Perhaps if you are VERY nice though...
> Jeff has some cool Pino bits stashed away, including the wheels Pino
> made with nuts on the spoke ends on either side of the rim to firmly
> hold them in place.
> Anchor Bay Bikes in Anchor Bay has owner John T. who again is somewhat
> into old bikes. He used to work at the famous, now long closed Jake's
> Bikes, back in the day, and has a lot to tell. There are a few nice
> oldies hanging in his showroom, including a 60's Raleigh International
> and an 80s Colnago Super, among others. Again, this is a good jump
> out of Detroit.
> The best place I can suggest though, which has not been mentioned by
> anyone and is IN Detroit proper, is Bike Tech, I believe on E. Warren
> (Avenue, or Road perhaps). Owner Brian is VERY much into VERY old
> Paramounts and other Schwinns. You can find in his showroom, at least
> three Paramounts from the 40s and 50s with wood rims, and beautiful
> finishes, among other Paramounts and World (Travelers or Sports, old,
> but I can't remember the model name). Brian really has a gorgeous
> Schwinn collection, is happy to show it off. If you can make only one
> stop, I strongly recommend his place to be the one. There is also a
> sweet Fuji steel track bike there that really made my mouth water.
> Eric is kind below, in mentioning my basement, but it is no shop ...
> just a piling of stuff that is slowly going bye bye. You're very
> welcome to come visit, but be aware that my interest is mostly in
> Torpados ... and they dominate. Oh, there are a couple of nice
> Colnagos here too, and a few other bikes and frames, and a few unique
> parts. I'm holding onto an outstanding looking Weigle (pics to be
> posted to the list very soon) and a Motta too, both for a friend.
> Please email if you'd like to arrange a visit, or even a ride if you
> have time and if I can scrounge up a bike that fits you...
> Ciao,
> Mark Agree
> Southfield MI USA
> ~ ~ ~
> Eric and Rich wrote, respectively:
> Date: Sun, 3 Jun 2007 22:59:03 -0400
> From: "Eric Phillips" <altinos@gmail.com>
> To: classic <classicrendezvous@bikelist.org>
> Subject: Re: [CR]Vintage Steel shops in Detroit ?
> On 6/3/07, Rich Pinder <rpinder@usc.edu> wrote:
> > This week I'll be traveling to Detroit for work (but sadly, not on to
> > the Cirque..sigh... ), but I wondered if there are any shops I should
> > stop by in the Detroit (or Windsor) area ??
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Rich Pinder
> > Van Nuys, CA
> I can't think of any offhand. Unless you count Mark Agree's basement. :)
> Eric Phillips
> Southfield, MI
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