[CR]RE: Slightly OT Frame (but a KOF) sets a new eBay record?

(Example: History:Norris Lockley)

From: "Retrofan531" <Retrofan531@allegiance.tv>
To: "classic list" <Classicrendezvous@bikelist.org>
Date: Mon, 11 Jun 2007 00:17:44 -0500
Subject: [CR]RE: Slightly OT Frame (but a KOF) sets a new eBay record?


US $2,280.00 for a Merckx 7-11 Corsa Extra w Cinelli Campagnolo Campy NR

Wow. Congrats to the seller, (a member here perhaps?) Anyone recall anything like this? I'd have expected the price to end somewhere just above half of the final value... maybe I'm just too cheap! :-)

David -- David Bilenkey Ottawa, Ontario, Canada dbilenkey(AT)sympatico.ca =======================

The Merckx 7-11 frame and fork referenced in the posting about KOF eBay selling price was my auction. I received more than 100 e-mails and inquiries on this frame and fork, the most I have ever received on any of my auctions.

Many folks asked for the pics, but others wanted to know about an off-eBay sale or an opportunity to buy it after the auction closed so they would be guaranteed to get it. I did indeed get an e-mail after the auction closed offering $2500 for the frame and fork from a verified buyer with excellent 200+ feedback.

The winning bidder is a very nice fellow who followed the 7-11 team "back when" and wanted this version with the chromed fork and stays. He already has it in his hands and is going to build it up with period correct components. I look forward to seeing how it turns out.

Frank Phillips
McAlester, OK