Re: [CR]Re: Chucks' bike collection

(Example: Component Manufacturers:Campagnolo)

In-Reply-To: <000801c7e355$e4d702d0$f0996e58@DJN4ZQ0J>
References: <>
From: "Chuck Schmidt" <>
Subject: Re: [CR]Re: Chucks' bike collection
Date: Mon, 20 Aug 2007 14:41:10 -0700
To: Classic Rendezvous <>

On Aug 20, 2007, at 11:14 AM, Mark Stevens wrote:
> Hi Chuck, I can see the 2 famous Don Ferguson Gillotts in there but
> cant quite make out the lugwork. Are they Nervex Pro? Mark Stevens
> Scotland

Actually there are THREE! Two with matching Fleur de Lis lugsets and one with the Oscar Egg lugs. Hard to make out in the photo but I made a special display of the three Gillotts... here's a close-up of the three bike display (doesn't take up much floor space at all; I'm pretty proud of the result):

Chuck Schmidt
South Pasadena, CA USA (reprints, t-shirts & timelines)