Re: [CR]CR KOF Classic JP Weigle for sale on ebay

(Example: Component Manufacturers:Ideale)

Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2007 17:18:04 -0400
Subject: Re: [CR]CR KOF Classic JP Weigle for sale on ebay
From: "Michael Schmidt" <>
To: Chuck Schmidt <>, Classic Rendezvous <>
Thread-Topic: [CR]CR KOF Classic JP Weigle for sale on ebay
Thread-Index: Acf0uT1se+AAGmCsEdy3dwAWy8lbaw==
In-Reply-To: <>

Hey Chuck

Yeah, I am aware of rule 15 but as long as you're trying to lawyer me on the CR rules, perhaps I can remind you of this one.

Rule 10. Please limit your posting to a maximum of three (3) messages per day to minimize bandwidth use. Make each message "weighty".

But I betcha ya just can't resist another tweak.

Classic content: Yep, Chuck that is what I say about mountain bikes sharing similar characteristics with 26 inch touring bikes. They have to be beefy to hold the load and they cannot be aluminum or carbon fiber. Just try fixing a busted aluminum Trek on tour. Those touring bikes can also be KOF as defined by list rules. I have a Match built Robert Beckman Sakkit./ Designed by Robert Beckman, lugs filed in the early 1980's by Kirk Pacenti, braised by Martin Tweedy. Frame is rarer than hen's teeth. That is a KOF bike-ATMO. Just like that Peter Weigle on ebay.

Chuck, you're a pain in the ass but I still like ya.

Mike Schmidt Stirling, NJ USA

On 9/11/07 12:23 PM, "Chuck Schmidt" <> wrote:
> On Sep 11, 2007, at 5:50 AM, Michael Schmidt wrote:
>> That Weigle bike on ebay may have started out as a mountain bike
>> but with
>> the braze on barrels for racks, it is now clearly intended for
>> touring.
>> Look at the rear stays. Long wheelbase.
>> But if Dale says its OT, that is cool and "the hell with it"
> "Rule 15. While the CR focus is on the beginning of the Twentieth
> century to 1983, a few contemporary, classically made small workshop
> bikes are considered on topic* here These are generally referred to
> as "KOF" (see # 2 above) but those welded, injection molded, or glued
> modern wonders belong in some other mail list. Ditto for mountain
> bikes, "middle weights", BMX, recumbents and balloon tired bikes."
> Hmmmm... a mountain bike with racks is now clearly a touring bike?
> Long stays are for touring bikes and not for mountain bikes?
> Mmmmm... yeah, right Mike, whatever you say...
> Picture of the "touring bike":
> Chuck Schmidt
> South Pasadena, CA