[CR]4 hole SR front Derailleur

(Example: Framebuilders:Chris Pauley)

Date: Wed, 16 Jan 2008 19:15:37 -0800
From: "Matthew Gorski" <bikenut@verizon.net>
Subject: [CR]4 hole SR front Derailleur
To: <classicrendezvous@bikelist.org>
Thread-index: AchYtzrOu2poh5BmRNK2jJMZjLU5xA==

Jack, Let me qualify my previous post. I have 2 of these 4 Hole models on bikes in my garage now and another 2 used and 1 NOS. They are all Record ie. no black arms. I remember seeing one once with black arms and wondered if the cage or arms had been swapped. I haven't checked to see which is possible. Does the 4 hole in your possession have black arms??

Regards, Matt Gorski Belmont Shore, CA http://ebay.com/<blah>


Archive-URL: http://search.bikelist.org/getmsg.asp?Filename=classicrendezvous.10801. 0561. eml Date: Wed, 16 Jan 2008 16:58:29 -0800 From: "Matthew Gorski" <bikenut(AT)verizon.net> Subject: [CR]4 hole SR front Derailleur <http://search.bikelist.org/query.asp?SearchString=%224+hole+SR+front+D erail leur%22&SearchPrefix=%40msgsubject&SortBy=MsgDate%5Ba%5D>

Jack, These came out circa 1977/1978 I have seen both Record and Super Record versions. I think they were only produced for a year or so and might have had something to do with the CPSC mandates that slimed may of our favorite Campagnolo parts. I have several and am ever on the lookout for them! I have seen a rough range of $40 or $50 used condition to $125 or $150 NOS.

Matt Gorski Belmont Shore, CA http://ebay.com/<blah>


Archive-URL: http://search.bikelist.org/getmsg.asp?Filename=classicrendezvous.10801.

0506. eml Date: Tue, 15 Jan 2008 15:04:23 -0800 (PST) From: Jack Gabus <jack_gabus(AT)yahoo.com> Subject: [CR]4 hole SR front Derailleur <http://search.bikelist.org/query.asp?SearchString=%224+hole+SR+front+D

erail leur%22&SearchPrefix=%40msgsubject&SortBy=MsgDate%5Ba%5D>


Campy question here:

4 hole SR front Derailleur

What is the time line, rarity, and its guesstimated evaluation?



Jack (Giacomo) GabusLaguna Beach, CA jack(AT)shermangabus.com http://www.wooljersey.com/gallery/Giacomo-Gabus/?g2_page=2