Re: [CR]Bicycling mag story - re: used bike store in east village NY

(Example: Framebuilders:Masi)

Date: Mon, 28 Jan 2008 07:48:35 -0500
From: "James Swan" <>
Subject: Re: [CR]Bicycling mag story - re: used bike store in east village NY
In-reply-to: <>
To: coel canth <>
References: <>
cc: Bianca Pratorius <>
cc: Bianca Pratorius

I didn't read the article either and I don't know if they were taking about Emey's. I just wanted to report that Emey's, or at least Emey has been gone for several years now. I think that someone else might be operating a bike shop at that location now, but the hay-stack of vintage iron has been dispersed to the four winds.

Emey's was the original meeting place for the Brooklyn Velodrome Vintage Wheelman. Lead by the Omnipotent Despot, John Pergolizzi, we used to climb over the afore mentioned pile of vintage bikes and huddle in Emey's phone booth sized back room that was illuminated by a single bare light bulb hanging from a wire. Crammed in there, sitting on miscellaneous old boxes, we would tell "tales of the big ring" while sharing bottles of Chianti that we opened with the aid of a Campagnolo cork screw. After a couple hours of that we would pass the hat to pay our tribute to Emey and stagger off to John's Pizzeria... Last I heard Emey was on the lamb. Word was that the Feds were after him.

Jamie Swan Centerport Cycles Inc. Northport, N.Y. (mapped)

On Jan 28, 2008, at 12:07 AM, coel canth wrote:
> I've not read the article but perhaps the author was referring to
> Emey's
> shop on e. 6th street ??
> if the name is familiar you might remember his old spot further
> north.. i
> think it was 17th near Park.. the place is a true Pile with tonnes
> of junk
> crammed inside and about 4 sq feet clear enough to turn around in;
> no flat
> surface left empty and nowhere really to dig or explore.. i don't know
> anything about stolen bikes but used is pretty much all he sells, so
> definitely lots of steel. the pricing i recall seemss consistent
> with the
> article's findings.. there are two Frejus track bikes hanging in
> the window,
> one (50s?) poorly repainted and the other (60s?) in its original
> but dull
> chrome livery.. i think they are priced northwards of $2000..
> andrei padlowski
> glen ridge, nj
> On Jan 27, 2008 4:58 PM, Bianca Pratorius <>
> wrote:
>> What store is Steve Friedman referring to in his March article in
>> Bicycling magazine? It is some store where supposedly stolen and used
>> bikes are traded/sold. In his story, a steel Bianchi is up for
>> sale for
>> $600 and a Colnago frame and fork is available for $1000. I don't
>> much
>> care for the prices but I would have liked to have visited it when I
>> was there in NYC this last month. Also, there is a review on the
>> Colnago Master x steel bike as a positive alternative to all this
>> carbon fiber that's being touted. The review came out rather
>> favorable.
>> The bike is light too at 17.5 lbs with a carbon fork and no pedals.
>> Garth Libre in Miami Fl USA