Re: [CR]Merckx Hour Record Bike-Stem Length (?)

(Example: Framebuilders:Brian Baylis)

Date: Thu, 8 May 2008 08:15:02 -0700 (PDT)
From: "Fred Rednor" <>
Subject: Re: [CR]Merckx Hour Record Bike-Stem Length (?)
In-Reply-To: <>

Is that even a Cinelli stem, or a part supplied by Pino Moroni? Either way, it appears to be a welded (or brazed) titanium stem, rather than a forging. So it would be relatively simple to manufacture a version in an "unconventional" length.
     Fred Rednor - Arlington, Virginia (USA)

--- On Thu, 5/8/08, wrote:

> From: <>
> Subject: [CR]Merckx Hour Record Bike-Stem Length (?)
> To: "Classic Rendezvous" <>
> Date: Thursday, May 8, 2008, 10:35 AM
> Here is a link to another photo of the Merckx Hour Record
> Bike ("HRB"),(1972). Behind it is Rominger's
> 1994 HRB.
> The dimensions I gave were copied from a book-not from any
> measurement that I took. In the next few days, I will
> attempt to scan and link the page showing the Colnago shop
> drawing for Merckx's HRB.
> The issues that various members have (quite rightly)
> brought up about the stem length (12.2) given, I suspect,
> may have to do with the manner in which the stem was
> measured-notice that the Italian I copied doesn't seem
> to say "stem length", and may express another,
> unconventional, method of stem length measurement(?).
> In any case, no matter the stem length, few would dispute
> that Merckx's HRB is one of the most interesting and
> significant bikes ever.
> George
> George Hollenberg MD
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