Re: [CR]Wanted Campagnolo Toe Straps

(Example: Framebuilding:Tubing:Falck)

Date: Fri, 7 Mar 2008 18:08:28 -0800 (PST)
From: "devon warner" <>
Subject: Re: [CR]Wanted Campagnolo Toe Straps
To: Walter Nash <>, classicrendezvous <>
In-Reply-To: <BAY118-DAV28424853322BF2D479B6DC4130@phx.gbl>

i have a pair that came with pedals, new in the box in the 90s, but i believe they were new old stock at the time. white with a light grey pointed button, it has the shield logo on it if i remember correctly, also had the nubby white rubber sleeve someone else mentioned and a widened section to keep the thing from moving into the pedal. i have to check what model of pedals they are, i since traded them but can still see them anytime on my buddy's bike! it's nice to keep them in the family. the straps are a little dry and chalky, but then, i have not oiled them. overall, nice, i will be using them on an italian bike with campy platform pedals as soon as i get a front wheel
devon warner
in san francisco, usa

--- Walter Nash wrote:

> I have a set of brown leather Campy toe straps on my
> '80 Colnago Super.
> I got them in the mid 80's.
> Walter Nash
> Tucson AZ
> Are the Campagnolo toe straps actually made from
> leather? I
> have several pairs of Campagnolo straps and they are
> woven
> nylon - white with blue stripes. But these are
> clearly from
> the C-Record era or perhaps even later.
> Fred Rednor - Arlington, Virginia (USA)
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