Re: [CR]Was: World's Rainbow Stripes. Now: Olympic rings

(Example: Racing:Roger de Vlaeminck)

From: "Dr. Paul Williams" <>
To: "robert st.cyr" <>
References: <000001c8866f$938c5ac0$> <> <BAY130-W457087F9C16F3C771776FCA2060@phx.gbl>
Subject: Re: [CR]Was: World's Rainbow Stripes. Now: Olympic rings
Date: Mon, 17 Mar 2008 21:25:17 -0400
cc: Classic Rendezvous <>

The mid-50s Carpenters had the Olympic rings on the headbadge as seen in Ken Sanford's 1956 Carpenter:

My 49 Carpenter doesn't have these rings but rather the shop address - in this case the bombed out pre-war premises at Penton St. and not the post-war Surbiton Rd.

Paul Williams,
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

----- Original Message -----
From: "robert st.cyr"
To: Dale Brown
Sent: Monday, March 17, 2008 9:01 PM
Subject: RE: [CR]Was: World's Rainbow Stripes. Now: Olympic rings

> All,
> The Olympic rings go back at least to 1959-I have a set of Olympic
> transfer
> s on my Simplex/Witcomb that has been confirmed by Barry Witcomb to be
> accu
> rate and original.
> Robert St.Cyr
> Davis/Sacramento, California USA> To:>
> Date:
> Sat, 15 Mar 2008 10:56:07 -0400> From:> Subject: [CR]Was:
> World's Rainbow Stripes. Now: Olympic rings> > > << Dale, any idea how
> long
> the Olympic rings have been trademarked?> > ....(snip)....Did other builde
> rs use the Olympic rings on their bikes? >>> > Not sure how long but for
> qu
> ite a while! > > The Olympic rings are not used in the same way as the
> Worl
> ds Championship stripes.. The rings do not imply a gold medal winner,
> etc.,
> but instead are licensed to those "officially" associated with the Olympic
> organization... It most often has to do with pecuniary considerations bein
> g rendered (i.e., paying to use them in a promotional way!)> > ?> > > Dale
> Brown> Greensboro, North Carolina? USA> > > > > > > -----Original
> Message--
> ---> From: Mark Battley <>> To:
> classicrendezvous@bi
>> Cc:> Sent: Sat, 15 Mar 2008 3:38 am> Subject:
> W
> orld's Rainbow Stripes/Olympic rings> > > > > > > > > > > Dale commented:>
> ------------------------------> << Please bear in mind that there is no
> req
> uirement that a bike/rider win a> World Championship for the? rainbow
> strip
> es to placed on a BIKE. It's a> tradition, but not a rule, unless the UCI
> h
> as changed things in recent?> years.>>> > Absolutely true. > It's
> interesti
> ngly that the Olympic rings are trademarked but not the World's> Rainbow
> St
> ripes. > It is a strong convention
> though.> ------------------------------>
> > Dale, any idea how long the Olympic rings have been trademarked?> > Reas
> on I'm interested is that it appears that in the 1960s Colnago may have
> use
> d> the Olympic rings on some bikes that were intended for use at the
> Olympi
> cs. I> have a photograph of a 1960s Colnago track bike with a headtube
> logo
> /badge that> includes the Olympic rings as well as "Rome 1960" (also with
> "
> Colnago",> "Cambiago" and the colours of the Italian flag. > > I recently
> m
> et with the second owner of my 1968ish Colnago>
> (
> m/MarkABattley/1968Colnago) who bought the bike from> Jim Brittain in
> 1972.
> Bruce told me that the bike was originally intended for> the French team f
> or the 1968 Mexico Olympics, and had a headbadge/decal that> consisted of
> t
> he Olympic rings, with Mexico above and 1968 below. Bruce is> trying to
> fin
> d his photographs of the bike.> > Did other builders use the Olympic rings
> on their bikes?> > Best regards,> > Mark Battley> Auckland, New Zealand,
> Do
> wn Under> > > > > > > > > --- StripMime Report -- processed MIME
> parts --->
> multipart/alternative> text/plain (text body -- kept)> text/html> ---> ___
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