after being a bit paralyzed with a past posting about cirque that I found incredibly offensive, and erasing about a half a page of stuff i probably would regret later, Robert Clair's posting gave me the opportunity to write something that I thought had much greater meaning to me. I had the pleasure of collecting the monies at the charity auction. One of the names that came up VERY often with a 100% donation were some quite nice items from Robert, and he did not even have the opportunity to attend. He is one of the people I feel so honored to be associated with on this list, as well as all of my friends that I saw and met at this past event. Thank you all for making this such a memorable time for Rita and I.
there were some really nice bikes, but more amazing people.
> .... i almost donated a selle san marco concor light for marty walsh
> to take to this year's circus, but was not sure if it was on topic.
> so we kept it.
gabriel romeu after a warmish ride in
chesterfiel nj usa
G L Romeu