Re: [CR]Re: Ron Danner a.k.a. Ron Danneur

(Example: Bike Shops)

From: <>
Subject: Re: [CR]Re: Ron Danner a.k.a. Ron Danneur
Date: Mon, 16 Jun 2008 04:42:01 +0000

I have to say that Ron aka Davis is one sad creature.

Since we cannot have the least idea who the coward is, I'll just comment on these "attempts " at "fun".

Basically, the list is incredibly good spirited. So if people make inquiries about bikes that are less "enlightened", they are taken at their word and given information. To take advantage of this, for an imagined wisecrack, is contemptible.

A person's good name is the most important thing they own and I cannot imagine what drives someone to this sort of convoluted thinking.

At least by the way, a Schwinn Continental or Varsity is an honest and unpretentious steed, unlike cowardly "pranksters" whose reputations are mud.

Speaking of arses, I heard of a certain person claiming to be quite the bike expert who had a Pop Brennan right in front of him at a noted meet a few years ago. The "expert" strongly attacked a fine old man who brought it on the basis the bike was not genuine. Funny, the bike fooled Brennan's sons, Bill and Jack. What would they know? They only filed the lugs.

Joe Bender-Zanoni Whitneyville, CT

-------------- Original message ---------------------- From: aldoross4 <>
> In case some of you haven't caught on yet, it appears
> we may have another troll in our midst. "Ron Danner",
> also using the email name "Ron Danneur" is almost
> certainly an alias taken from the word "Randonneur".
> Based on various clues, I believe he and "Davis Philson"
> (Filson + Davis Phinney?) are one and the same person.
> Until further information is available, I'd suggest
> avoiding any dealings with "Ron Danner".
> Aldo Ross
> Middletown, Ohio, USA