Good gracious. How many inquiries on "What happened to the Flying Scot site?" has CR had over the last two years? If only to put an end to that, Bob -- thanks!
Parenthetically, saw a nice Flying Scot chained to a railing across the street from Harrods in London about 18 months ago. Got back to the rental flat/laptop computer and went to the FS site to see what it might have been... only to find the mystery referenced above. Better 18 months late than never!
-- Dan Kehew Davis California USA
On Sat, Jun 28, 2008 at 4:21 PM, Dale Brown <> wrote:
> <<...was also responsible for the Flying Scot web site ...(snip).... Never fear however it will return shortly >>
> Hooray!
> That's great news Bob! Thanks!!