Re: [CR] B. Carre Peugeot Track Frame?

(Example: History)

From: "devotion finesse" <>
To: <>, CR discussion list <>
Date: Tue, 20 Jan 2009 00:54:03 -0500
In-Reply-To: <>
Subject: Re: [CR] B. Carre Peugeot Track Frame?

I saw a very similar B. Carre built Peugeot track frame here in NYC recentl y. It had the same "B.Carre" stamped seat stay caps that I had on my '73 Le jeune...Both of which, as far as I know, have absolutely nothing to do with anything related to the Masi shop/marque. Matthew BowneBrooklyn, NY
    > From:> To:> Date: M on, 19 Jan 2009 16:47:15 -0800> Subject: [CR] B. Carre Peugeot Track Fram e?> > This showed up in a for sale thread on our local forums:> > http://ww> > Owner claims it's a Masi built Peugeo t track frame for the Australian > National Team. However, it has "B. Ca rre" stamped in the typical > location on the seat cluster.> > Anyone have
   any idea on the true origin of this frame and possibly the > story behind
   it?> > Sean Flores> San Francisco, CA> _________________________________