Re: [CR] cautionary tail about ebay and paypal

(Example: Production Builders:Tonard)

From: "Cheung, Doland" <>
Date: Tue, 27 Jan 2009 14:28:55 -0600
Thread-Topic: [CR] cautionary tail about ebay and paypal
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Subject: Re: [CR] cautionary tail about ebay and paypal

Does this mean you have to use the shipping and tracking services offered t hrough Paypal, or any shipping and tracking service is acceptable?

Doland Cheung LA, CA

-----Original Message----- From: [mailto:classicrendezvous-boun] On Behalf Of KRISTER KATSOGIANNOS Sent: Tuesday, January 27, 2009 8:16 AM To: Subject: [CR] cautionary tail about ebay and paypal

This might be of interest to the list members that sometimes sell our belov ed vintage bike parts to other enthusiasts all over the world. As a seller

using ebay and paypal you have to take the full responsibility for the tran saction (this includes not giving the buyer the option to select the type o f shipping desired), for your own protection you can not offer a shipping option without tracking as stated by paypal ,otherwise you will be at a loss if the buyer claims they never received the package real or not . Havi ng a scanned copy of the postal recite of the the day the item was shipped

including the country and the weight and the shipping cost does not count f or anything As a seller on ebay I have sold things al over the world and ne ver really had any problems , shipping to Japan most buyers do specifical ly not want any other option then basic airmail. The item shipped was sent
   to Italy , I guess I should have observed the occasional caution that I have seen from other sellers not to send to Italy. You think that the if yo u offer the buyer the option of basic shipping or insured shipping and they
   select the uninsured shipping they are knowingly taking a gamble and shoul d be responsible for their own actions, but apparently not so. It would b e interesting to hear of other people experiences Krister KatsogiannosSan A ntonio TX