Hi - I was sent your way via bike forums, that maybe someone here might be able to lend a hand identiying a vintage frame that I found/purchased recently.
that's a link to the thread on Bike Forums, and from there, if you are interested, click on the links to my blog, and then scroll down to see the red frame - I am also renovating a vintage 1980-ish Colnago at the moment, but since that is off at the paint shop, this new frame has my entire interest. (and before changing anything original through a re-paint, I want to conserve what is there and research it's origins.)
Anyway - if there is anyone here that can lend an ear and a hand, I would appreaciate it. Someone has to be able to identify something - Or maybe tell me what to look for? I'm trying to locate any specific information that will confirm or deny it as any frame- so - if it's not an Olmo, I can check that one off, etc...Seriously, I would love to have come across an old Cinelli, but I haven't been able to confirm that either...
Thanks for the help,
Rob Goughary
Stamford, CT