I never did much with Oro's untill lately trying to match up to older bikes
. Most of my ride time from 80-90s was always on Regina CX or CX-S. One thi
ng I always liked was the silent coast. Never had any issues with the inter
nals, would wear out 14 and 15tooth sprockets a lot. It's pretty flat aro
und here so those were the rear cogs used the most, and of course smaller
diameter. I still use Phil Tenacious lube in the bodies, and knock on wo
od have thousands of trouble free miles.
Tom Forbes
Houston, Texas.> To: classicrendezvous@bikelist.org> From: biankita@comca
st.net> Date: Wed, 4 Feb 2009 19:17:17 -0500> Subject: [CR] Regina Oro vs
. Regina CX freewheel> > I swapped out a Regina Ora five cog freewheel for
the CX that came with > the Coppi bike I just cleaned up. That peculiar off
clicking sound of > the old CX was offensive and plain wrong. If Reginas h
ad three pawls > and one was hanging up because of a broken spring, then
it made sense > that the freewheel was still perfectly functional but just
sounded > awful. What's the deal with the Regina line up from those years?
Wasn't > the Oro the top of the line and others like the America and the CX
> lower in quality? What was the difference in construction between the >
various models? I remember that Suntour used to tout better performance > f
rom their different models but as one shop owner in SF (people's bike > and
tool) used to say - the Suntour Perfect is perfectly good as are > all the
Suntours on up. It seems to me that the Reginas were all > perfectly finni
cky all the way up to the top of the line model I have > on my Raleigh (It'
s loud and sounds like rattling balls on some days).> > BTW I'll be posting
photos of the completed Coppi soon. I rode it > tonight in record cold tem
peratures for Florida. It was sweet and > smooth and braking squeel free ev
en with the old Campy pads that came > on it. It's so cool to invigorate a
piece of history on a maiden ride. > I always get the feeling the bike is t
hanking me for being freed from > its former less attentive owner. This one
was never really abused but > more like discarded and unappreciated.> > Ga
rth Libre in Miami Florida USA> > _________________________________________
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