Re: [CR] Tour of California

(Example: Framebuilders:Alex Singer)

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Date: Sun, 15 Feb 2009 18:50:30 -0800
From: "Dan Kehew" <>
To: Jim Allen <>
Cc:, "<>" <>
Subject: Re: [CR] Tour of California

Hope those of you surrounding the peleton took time before today's stage to walk 100 feet over from the start in Davis, to the California Bicycle Museum display. Good gracious, but it was crowded today, even with the rainy start.

Funniest, if off-topic, part of the day: For my involvement in the museum and assistance in organizing the stage start, I had a "VIP" pass, and could get in the limited-access area right next to where the riders were gathered prior to the start. One of the local, and actual, VIPs -- admittedly not a racing fan -- waved me up to the railing next to the riders where she was standing.

"Are there any riders here I should know?" -- loud enough for the riders right in front of us to hear. Particularly the one IMMEDIATELY in front of us, an arms-length away, although I don't know if he speaks English well enough to really understand.

"(VIP first name deleted), this is Carlos Sastre. He won the Tour de France last year."


Carlos looks at her and gives a little palms-up shrug.

I keep thinking I should have found a better way to handle this situation. Like telling her he was Eddie Merckx. Or Miguel Indurain! Some joke that Carlos would get -- if he speaks English.

Second funniest: Dave Zabriskie gets introduced on the sign-in stage, grabs the microphone, and starts singing CCR's "Who'll Stop the Rain."

ON TOPIC: Dude in the crowd had a sweet Raleigh Clubman with the funkiest multiple-ridged chrome fenders I've ever seen. Even he didn't know who made 'em. Looked like ruffled potato chips. Must be a nightmare to keep clean, but they look cool. That's what's important.

Dan Kehew
Davis California USA