Well, First let me say that Wayne and MJ really have their feet on the ground with this Cirque. The rough edges of last year are largely gone. The food, the judging at the show, etc. were great.
I especially enjoyed seeing a certain Listmeister (who shall remain unnamed in the interest of tact) who has beaten me to death for years over my love of C Record (often known on this list as Those Components Which Must Not Be Named) bring his full C Record bike to the show. May even have won a prize. Man, he looked great with that beautiful bike!
The bikes were great, the people even more of a treat. Many friends were sorely missed, too. Hope to see them next year. A couple of got pretty banged up. Dan Artley broke his collar bone on a ride and I got very sick Friday night, but we both had a lot of support (I know I did) and things seemed to work out. We kind of turned a corner and it really did run very smoothly and I was impressed by all the work put into it and how well it all worked. Please excuse me if this post is a little awkward, I am still in the recovery phase and just released from the hospital.
Tom Sanders
Lansing, MI USA