"I'm building a 76 Paramount P10 which I had painted. I bought a new Campy 626/A downtube cable guide and it seems too small. I had to use a much longer than normal bolt to fasten it. An old and rusty example of the same part fits the tube properly with about 1/8" gap at the "ears." Looking thru archived catalog scans, there appears to be only one size of this part. Can someone explain?
David Bean Arlington, MA USA beandk at are-see-enn dot com"
I can't explain it, but will add a similar situation when building up the "Civetta" a few weeks ago.
I have a few NOS cable guides and pulled one from the drawer to install. I could not get it closed enough to get the nut started on the screw. I wrestled with it for about 20 minutes, using a c-clamp to try and squeeze the ears together enough to get the screw to poke through. This kind of situation on a freshly painted frame usually ends in disaster but I kept plugging away as it just did not make sense why it would not fit.
I was about to give up and just use a Suntour screw which is a bit longer (which would have always bugged me), but instead tried one of the other clamps. This one went right on just like it should.
So what the heck?
Jon Williams
Grants Pass OR USA