Re: [CR] Help needed dating a Campy Record QR skewer

(Example: Framebuilding:Tubing:Columbus)

From: "ternst" <>
To: <>, <>, <>
References: <>
Date: Sat, 24 Jan 2009 20:00:52 -0800
Subject: Re: [CR] Help needed dating a Campy Record QR skewer

Ken: The hubs came both ways. Nutted or curved QR's. The strong sprinters may have tried them a few times but when the slippage started happening it was out. Riders in massed start or other regular events could use them would use them but some frames were chrome or maybe uneven on the dropout in the rear so they slipped easier. Even weaker riders got apprehensive when a few guys had a problem, so it got a bad reputation quickly. One could argue that QR is a s strong as nut axle, but the road riding is usually done from regular riding speed to acceleration rather than on track where the sprint/time trial/pursuit is and all out effort from standing still or low speed. This stress depending on the rider could move a wheel with QR on track, whereas the road difference from speed and acceleration was not as great at the moment of jump. The wheel change on a track machine only takes a moment or two so that's not an issue, every rider usually has a trainer/coach/mechanic to help with the wrenching.. Many riders had/have a second bike so a faster change could be made to get back in the event. Again it depends on one's strength and how one rides. Many riders save some weight and use 3/32" but most use the stronger longer lasting standard track 1/8" size. Then again, would a strong best quality 3/32" set up be stronger then a cheap 1/8" drive train? Ted Ernst Palos Verdes Estates CA USA ----- Original Message ----- From: To: ; ; ; Sent: Saturday, January 24, 2009 7:09 PM Subject: Re: [CR] Help needed dating a Campy Record QR skewer


Thank you for your post. You are a real witness who saw curved Q/R skweres in track racing. So it was there though a short period of time.

I just could not imagine powerful track racers (PISTA) people need of curved q/r lever for safey (in case of crash). Like you, powerful racer with 48-15 fixed gear only!

There is a BIG difference betwen PISTA (track racer) and STRADA (road racer).

As you know, raised pedal hole crank was made till mid 70's. Chain ring is completely different using 1/8" wide chain rather than 3/32".

Never allow to use alloy bar, rather steel. Fork is round, no use of D/B tubing.

Have never seen PISTA hub with Q/R, 1960 Rome, 64 Tokyo, 68 Mexico Olympics, I do not think they allow to use Q/R in track racing, not enough holding power.

Therefore; they did sell PISTA HUB with q/r but NUT(?), my guess.

What kind of racing need of quick change of wheels? Do not want carry wrenches, do you?

Also, this brings argument between NUT or Q/R. which is stronger to bind wheels in the frame?


KEN TODA, High Point. NC

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