A couple of weeks ago, I made an offer to the list to catalog all orphan pedals or crankarms that folks had in an attempt to "reunite" some. Sadly the response was very small; total of four (4).
I will assume that this was due to the holidays and not apathy. I know many of you have a single CL sprint pedal or a 165 mm Campagnolo pista drive side arm, etc, etc
Please send me what you got (NOT what you want as this would just confuse me). Please be very specific in describing!! I will compile everything and if I find a match, will communicate directly to the two (I guess possibly more than two) individuals directly. Shortly after that, I will make the list available to anyone who expresses interest.
Please respond OFF-LINE to me - kanford@verizon.net (or just reply to this email)
ON TOPIC items only!!
Note: I will be out of town from Wednesday til Sunday so you likely will not get any response from me until after that.
Ken Sanford
Kensington, MD