Re: [CR] Care of Vintage Bikes, was No Subject

(Example: Production Builders:Tonard)

References: <>
To: <>, <>
Date: Thu, 1 Oct 2009 19:20:41 -0400
In-Reply-To: <>
From: <>
Subject: Re: [CR] Care of Vintage Bikes, was No Subject

Bike Shops are just like people; they come in all sizes, styles and levels of competence...


Dale Brown

cycles de ORO Bike Shop

Greensboro, North Carolina USA?

-----Original Message----- From: donald gillies <> To: Sent: Thu, Oct 1, 2009 7:08 pm Subject: [CR] Care of Vintage Bikes, was No Subject

In my opinion, shops are great for frame repairs - -

- brian baylis has re-raked 2x forks for me. - pedal pushing has un-bent 2 frames for me.

- Don Gillies San Diego, CA, USA

P.S. The last two times I took my bike to a shop for a mechanical repair I was disappointed. The first time, I had a MAVIC 501 hub that was clicking mysteriously. I asked for suggestions on the CR list but nothing worked. No amount of changing the sealed bearings or adjusting the play would help. I tried two shops, and the second one "With the EXPERT Mavic mechanic, according to shop #1", installed more new bearings (about the 7th, 8th ones, actually) and then glued them in. The problem went away for a week and then came back.

Earlier, at the first shop, I had asked them to please true my wheel ( I was feeling lazy ). A few days later on a vintage ride, all my spokes came loose !! Literally, this happened up in Los Angeles we had to go around the whole wheel and tighten everything by a full rotation at a rest stop !! The wheel was wobbling like crazy!

A spoke finally broke on that 501 HUB and so I relaced the whole thing with grease and new spokes and the clicking sound disappeared.