Re: [CR] 1982 Schwinn Paramount Elite - RARE OPPORTUNITY - eBay item 200401083684

(Example: History:Ted Ernst)

From: Tom Sanders <>
To: 'Charles Nighbor' <>, <>
References: <C662A76667A74B2193370A28822B337C@gateway2v8e13w>
Date: Mon, 2 Nov 2009 17:31:41 -0500
Thread-Index: AcpcBuSzXnYoK1CYRy6HFQvXn/1LmwABUWrA
Cc: 'Robert Freeman' <>, 'BOBishBikes' <>
Subject: Re: [CR] 1982 Schwinn Paramount Elite - RARE OPPORTUNITY - eBay item 200401083684

I wonder about the drive train. Nuovo Record?


From: Charles Nighbor [] Sent: Monday, November 02, 2009 4:53 PM To: Cc: Charles Nighbor; BOBishBikes; Ted Ternst; Tom Sanders; Robert Freeman Subject: 1982 Schwinn Paramount Elite - RARE OPPORTUNITY - eBay item 200401083684

Jerry Moos was mentioning this Paramount Elite model. Here is one on ebay. Looks great to me. Components are not what i would expect.

Not the Seller

Charles Nighbor

Walnut Creek, CA USA<blah 200401083684QQcmdZViewItemQQptZLH_DefaultDomain_0?hash=item2ea8d5dd24>