thanks for the tips. i tried the hairdryer, but so far, that didn't work. i'll try again, when my wife's away, incase i burn out her dryer!!!!
On Thu, Dec 3, 2009 at 1:59 PM, M-gineering <> wrote:
> Jim Sullivan wrote:
>> a nr derailleur finally showed up for my alan today.
>> but...................... the 980 that is on it has a frozen bolt, that
>> won't budge. it's the 6mm bolt that goes into the dropout. the bolt
>> moves
>> in the dropout, i can see that. the bolt is actually frozen to the
>> derailleur itself and won't spin and i can't get the 980 off. so far,
>> i've
>> soaked it in lube and tapped it with a hammer. it hasn't broken loose.
>> any thoughts of what i can do to get the 980 off the bike, would be
>> gratefully apprecieated.
> Try heat. Aluminium expands three time as much as steel for a given
> temperature increase. I'd get the torch out, taking care not to hurt the
> paint, but even a paint stripper will help
> --
> mvg
> Marten Gerritsen
> Kiel Windeweer
> Netherlands
> _______________________________________________
-- Jim