This TALL Hetchins mixte, which I almost went for, recently closed on ebay UK for small money, 140359134996
a) It is a frameset only, not a complete "time capsule" machine like Charles';
b) It has had some evidently crude modification to a curious area underneath the bottom bracket;
c) It is nowhere near as fancy as Charles' machine, and pales in comparison to it. In fact, though it is a very nice-looking frame with a couple of neat flourishes, because of its overall lack of fancy lugwork I wasn't even convinced at first that it was a Hetchins.
Best of luck to all who bid on Charles' marvelous machine, the ultimate Christmas or Hanukkah present ...if the frame was taller I might forget about a new roof on the house and jump into the bidding myself. What are a few pots and pans on the floor when you can distract yourself by ogling that lovely ladies' machine?
Peter Jourdain Wistful and wet in Whitewater, Wisconsin USA
PS: A question for the Hetchins experts out there----I've seen "curly" Hetchins tandems, but never a "curly" Hetchins ladies frame. Do they exist?
> I'm auctioning a spectacular Hetchins
> Mixte. Kills me to let it go, but it's just too small
> for my wife, and I have no room for more,
> it's off to some lucky owner. This is a bike that will
> make you smile every time you see it.