One would think it would be an imperial thread, but my 1978 Team Pro takes an 8 x 1.25 mm allen bolt, 25 mm long. Although my frame is 753 tubing, I used to have a 531c 76 Team Pro and I think it used the same bolt. This bolt looks a little different from a typical allen bolt in that the head is thinner, 5 mm vs the 8 mm of a typical bolt. The diameter of the head is the same as typical, and it takes the usual 6 mm allen wrench, so you could duplicate the original bolt by just filing or turning down the head of a standard metric bolt. In fact, this is possibly what Raleigh did. My bolt is chrome and has no knurling on the head.
Brian Samson Vancouver, BC, Canada
On 28-Dec-09, at 12:03 PM, Dean Nixon wrote:
> Hello all,
> In looking for a seat clamp bolt for a Raleigh 1975 Team Pro. It
> screws
> directly into one 'ear' of the integrated clamp (the 'ear' is
> threaded) - no
> nut required. I'm guessing it's imperial rather than metric. Any
> help in
> locating one would be appreciated.
> Thank you
> Dean Nixon