In the early mountain bike races in New Hampshire we would have 3 stages, a
time trial
a cross country race and trials which would be scored by points. After a
while riders started showing up with special bikes just for the trials. They
often had those ridiculously small seats that were never sat upon.
Steve Sweedler
Plymouth, New Hampshire
On Tue, Dec 29, 2009 at 6:48 PM, Wayne Bingham <>wrote:
> As Phil indicated, "Trails" bicycles are designed for slow speed technical
> maneuvers modeled after a similar competition with motorcycles, and (and as
> far as I know) have nothing to do with the Technical Trials. Both use very
> low gearing. I became aware of Trials motorcycles in the early 60's, but I
> don't recall being aware of Trials bicycles until well into the 70's, maybe
> late 70's, and that came about because of my interest and involvement in
> the
> BMX scene (my son actively raced BMX bikes in the late 70's and early
> 80's). All of this is grossly off-topic, of course.
> However, I am now curious. If TA was making "Trials" chainrings in the
> early 70's or earlier, who were they making them for? Who was making
> trials
> bicycles at this time? Are there vintage lightweight trials frames out
> there somewhere, and if so, does anyone have more info, or better yet,
> pictures? Or better yet, where can I get one. Hilary??? I have a 26t TA
> "Trials" chainring that I might just have to build a bike around.
> Wayne
> --
> Wayne Bingham
> Velo Classique
> PO Box 2069
> Purcellville, VA 20134 USA
> 540-338-8376
> On Tue, Dec 29, 2009 at 3:36 PM, Jerome & Elizabeth Moos <
>> wrote:
> > So Wayne, any idea what "Trials" these 19T to 25T 50.4 BCD rings were
> made
> > for? One naturally thinks of the Technical Trials, but despite the fact
> > that they did involve some pretty difficult terrain, one would not think
> > rings that tiny would have been used. Perhaps the Trials referred to are
> > hillclimbs on very steep courses.
> >
> > Regards,
> >
> > Jerry Moos
> > Big Spring, Texas, USA
> >
> >
> _______________________________________________
Steven Sweedler
Plymouth State University
Plymouth,New Hampshire, a croass counrtry race and trials