Re: [CR] Spence Wolfe Bikes - Drink tthe Koolaid

(Example: Humor:John Pergolizzi)

Date: Mon, 7 Dec 2009 08:02:09 -0800
From: Jerome & Elizabeth Moos <>
To: <>, donald gillies <>
In-Reply-To: <>
Subject: Re: [CR] Spence Wolfe Bikes - Drink tthe Koolaid

Or the Shimano Crane GS. Schwinn used the half-ton Gran Tourismo RD on the 1970 touring Paramount, but by 1973 they had switched to the Crane GS on all the higher end touring models. AFAIK Campy never did recapture the Schwinn touring business even after introducing the excellent Rally. Spence's homebrews were probably superior to the Gran Trashmo, but not the Suntour, Shimano or Rally. Oddly, Campy retrogressed somewhat my making a later version of the Rally which was basically a commercialized version of Spence's homebrews - an NR body with a Rally cage.


Jerry Moos
Big Spring, Texas, USA

--- On Sun, 12/6/09, donald gillies wrote:

> From: donald gillies <>

\r?\n> Subject: Re: [CR] Spence Wolfe Bikes - Drink tthe Koolaid

\r?\n> To:

\r?\n> Date: Sunday, December 6, 2009, 11:56 PM

\r?\n> It strikes me that there was really

\r?\n> no reason to add

\r?\n> an alpine cage to a Campagnolo derailleur after the

\r?\n> Suntour VGT derailleur was released, other than for

\r?\n> snobbish reasons.  So in what era did these modified

\r?\n> Cinellis etc. get built?  If they were built after

\r?\n> 1970, what a waste, what a waste ...


\r?\n> - Don Gillies

\r?\n> San Diego, CA, USA

\r?\n> Re: [CR] Spence Wolfe Bikes - Drinking the Koolaid ...