Re: [CR] Name That Colnago- Time for Another Round

(Example: Books)

Date: Tue, 24 Feb 2009 19:31:19 -0800
From: Raymond Dobbins <>
To: <>, Sean Flores <>
In-Reply-To: <>
Subject: Re: [CR] Name That Colnago- Time for Another Round

  Sean, the crimped chainstays are characteristic of the Super.  Based on t he graphics, the single water bottle bosses, and the under-the-bb cable rou ting, I think it's an early 80's frame, probably sold as a frameset and bui lt up with some period-available components.  The stem may be original to the initial build, as well as the seat  post, cranks, derailleurs brak e calipers and shifters.  The plastic brake levers are a mystery to me - are you sure they're Campy?

The paint is original and looks good enough that it doesn't deserve a repai nt.  Just clean and retouch.

I would build it up with all Super Record, but you could also go with Nuovo Record.  Small flange hubs would be my first choice, but large flange Ni sis would be my second choice :)

Ray Dobbins
Miami Florida USA

--- On Tue, 2/24/09, Sean Flores wrote:

From: Sean Flores <> Subject: [CR] Name That Colnago- Time for Another Round To: Date: Tuesday, February 24, 2009, 9:34 PM

Hello all. Would like to play another round of "Name that Colnago?"

Just picked up the following bike for I deal I couldn't refuse:

Seller thought it was a late 70's Mexico but some tips from other members proved otherwise. Serial number is B626. Would like to find out:

- The approx age

- Model

- Is the paint scheme and decals original/correct

- What other colors would this have come in/other decals

Couple clues are that the chainstays are crimped and stamped "colnago" on both sides. Rear Derailleur and Cranks are date coded '81/'82 respectively. Rear spacing is 126mm. The pics should tell you the rest.

Pretty sure that most is original except the bars (ITM), levers (plastic campy), seatpost (super record and different panto style than stem), pedals (MKS). Wheels have mismatched rims but both low flange campy hubs, freewhee l is IRD. Replacing them with a LF campy/nisi tubular wheelset with (hopefully) Regina 6sp freewheel.

Also looking for restoration tips, original components, etc. This is defini tely a project bike and would love some advice to do it up correctly.


Sean Flores
San Francisco, CA